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HairByAnais Workplace Guidelines

If you cannot find any childcare, unfortunately we will not be able to service you. The salon space is very limited.

Its a one in one out regime unfortunately. If you arrive early we wont service you until the customer in the chair leave. Please take this into consideration.

Wearing a medical mask is one of the preventive measure to limit spread of certain repiratory diseases, including 2019-nCOV, in affected areas.
If you cannot purchase any we will be selling them for £2.00each 

Washing your hands is essential, you will need to wasg your hands befoore your service is carried out. Handwashing with soap removes germs from hands.

If you have booked an appointment and you happen to feel unwell we are more than happy to reschedule your 14 days after you have fallen ill. Please send us an email or DM were more than happy to assist you.
If you have any worries please visit he NHS website and they will provide you more a specialised assistance.

Follow these guidelines, lets help #StopTheSpreadTogether